“The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God…” So Mark begins. In a time of angst and longing, miles from the capital city, a way of hope is prepared in hearts for the powerful Son of Man who “came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life…
Peter had a calling from Jesus Himself to strengthen believers. In this passage he does that very thing by calling us to appreciate our resources in Christ and our responsibility to make the most of them by faith.
Wrap up and review of 1 Peter.
In times of trouble the Chief Shepherd’s flock must follow Him together in God’s designed order. Together we are to practice humility and cast our anxiety on the Lord who cares for us.
When we realize we live on the brink of eternity it brings urgency to our lives which shapes our attitudes and actions.
If we’re going to rise from the quicksand this world is sinking in, we must cling to hope in our risen Lord Jesus Christ.
Standing Firm isn’t just for when we step out the door. Ideally it begins in our relationships at home. Here Peter passes on marriage wisdom straight from the heart of God.
It may sound strange but standing firm sometimes means submitting, serving, and suffering.
The Christ follower in this world lives in a constant paradox. We are elect but we are also exiles. We suffer grievous trials but glorious treasure is promised. We love a Savior we have not yet seen. We are both beat up and blessed beyond our wildest imaginations. To persevere we must have the proper…
Passively waiting for God to automatically make you more like Jesus is like taking a nap on a weight bench and expecting to wake up ripped. Spiritual growth is impossible without the Holy Spirit. But it’s also impossible without our active cooperation. Check out this message for 3 essential components to boost your Spiritual Training…
Not all false teaching leads to orgies and seances. Satan is way too crafty for that. Some of it actually sounds kind of holy: “Really spiritual people don’t do this. If you’re really committed, you won’t do that.” But in the end it can cause us to doubt the goodness of God and His gifts.…
Collecting offering and ushering. Is that all there is to being a deacon or is there something more? And what lies at the core of the church that leads God to care so much about its leadership?
CEO. General. Whipping boy. What’s your picture of church leadership? How does it compare to God’s description of elders?
Men and women are both created in God’s image, are equally valuable in His eyes, and have a significant impact to make. Does this mean our roles in the church are the same? Can you believe in different roles without being an arrogant and annoying antique?
Imagine if you asked God, “What do you care about in the church?” and His answer began, “First of all… ” Would you be curious about what came next? If so, check out this message.
There’s a lot of talk these days about fake news. Paul’s concern in the city of Ephesus was fake teaching. If you’ve ever wondered how to tell the difference between solid teaching and false teaching, this passage is for you.
God had plans for Timothy and he used Paul to coach him along the way. Check out this message for an overview of the game plan Paul passed on. God has plans for you too! Are you ready to get in the game? Do you have a good coach?
It seems that for every person who keeps their word there’s one who abandons their family to chase their idols. For every faithful friend there’s one who hits the road when things hit the fan. As a result, trust comes hard for many of us – maybe even trusting God. But one message of Christmas is this: Our loving Father always keeps…
When it’s done right, theology (the study of God) is life changing. You could sum this up as “Because God…I Will”. As we take a panoramic view of where we’ve been in Daniel 1-6, we’ll see what Daniel and his friends believed about God – and how it changed their lives. Along the way, we’ll…
The Bible teaches that we should live with a healthy fear of God. So what does a healthy fear of God look like? In this message, we’ll answer that question. We’ll also identify three ways that we sometimes get away from the fear of God. Then we’ll close by wrestling with a crazy idea: Is it possible that…
In this message, we’ll wrestle with some hard questions: How does mature faith act when it meets a trial? What kind of God do I believe in? Do I find my significance in my kingdom or His? What’s my primary reason for following God: Because I love Him or to get what I want from Him? The example of 3 young men…
What comes to mind when you think of wisdom? A person alone on a mountain thinking deep thoughts? Sounds nice. But most of us need some wisdom in the rat race of life. Like now. Like, “If I don’t figure out what to do here, I am in deep trouble.” Where do you turn for…
Whether it’s a trial, temptation, or even God’s discipline, we often wrestle with our faith in the dark valleys of life. What we believe at those moments will determine whether or not we remain faithful to God. If we believe He has bailed on us, we will probably bail on Him. But if we believe…
In his song “After the Music Stops” Lecrae asks a poignant question: “After the show, after the set, after the music stops what’s next? Will there be fellowship, prayer, disciples, will you open your bibles after the music stops. After it’s over, after it ends, after the music stops, what then? Will you understand that…
In this message we’ll journey with Paul from Fair Havens through the heart of a deadly storm to the safety of an island called Malta. Along the way we’ll see how God encouraged Paul and Paul encouraged those around him. Then we’ll explore how we too can shine God’s light on those who travel life’s…
Need some hope today? Ravi Zacharias said, “The absence of future hope has an amazing capacity to reach into the present and eat away at the structure of life, as termites would a giant foundation.” In other words, hope is kind of important! Check out this message and you’ll see that hope is confidence God…
Ever feel confused? You’re not alone! In this message we’ll join Jesus and his confused disciples on a journey to Jerusalem. We’ll discover that Comfort, Comparing ourselves with others, and Craving Recognition can all leave us confused about Jesus. And along the way, as He teaches them, He will teach us as well: He will show us that there is clarity to be found –…
The answer to this question could forever change the way you look at your community and the world.
God has laid down a framework for life in His Word: the Bible. There are 3 basic responses to this framework: 1. You can reframe it: change it to your liking or turn to a different story altogether. 2. You can obey it: line up your faith and obedience according to what God has said. Or 3. You can ignore it:…
Can you imagine your life without worry? How much could the Holy Spirit do in and through you if worry was not in the way? In this chapter, we see that Paul’s total trust in God enabled him to finish strong. Paul was not afraid to die. Jesus encouraged Paul when he needed it. And…
Have you trusted in Jesus? Do you still tap into the passion you had when you began your race? Or has your race become a legalistic list of do’s and don’ts? In this chapter Paul tells the story of how Jesus met him and changed his whole life. And he shares it with an angry…
Acts 20 begins the final decade of Paul’s life. The final lap. The home stretch. At the end he was able to say, “I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith.” So as we finish our own marathon in the book of Acts, we’ll be asking the question:…
It was Charlie Brown who said, “I think there must be something wrong with me, Linus. Christmas is coming but I don’t feel the way I’m supposed to feel.” How many of us relate to him? We’re happy that Jesus came but overwhelmed by the weight of the war around us. Disease, death, broken relationships and financial hardship all sabotage our celebration.…
Jesus and His Gospel provide the the only ultimate answers to the deepest needs of our world. Unfortunately, there are times that the church tries so hard to blend in that we hide the very One the world needs. In an attempt to be relevant, we sometimes lose the actual relevance of the Gospel. Check…
It’s easy to look at all God did through guys like Peter and Paul and come away feeling like, “That’s really great. But I’m not an apostle. What can God do through me?” This passage will show you. We’ll look at how the Holy Spirit advanced God’s kingdom in Ephesus and beyond through three “non-apostles”: Priscilla,…
Ever run into that brand of Christianity that says, “If you feel weak or desperate, don’t you dare even say it. Put on a plastic smile, pretend like everything’s OK, and it will be?” Aside from being annoying, it’s just not Biblical. When Paul came to Corinth, he was (in his own words) weak, fearful,…
As believers, we eagerly wait for Jesus to return. But what do we do while we wait? When we see the moral decline of our culture, it is tempting to hide out and bury our heads in the sand. Athens was a city in decline when Paul was there waiting for Timothy and Silas. What…
Few things are as important to the growth of a Jesus follower than the Bible. Check out this message to learn some of the tools Paul used when he shared it. And learn what it looks like to receive it the way God wants you to. Consider this your invitation to a more effective witness in…
Whether it’s a friendship, your rights, or your plans, letting go is hard to do. The good news is when we let go of something for God, we can trust Him completely. Check out this message to see how Paul and his missionary team learned to let go and what it means for us today.
When you think of important meetings, what comes to mind? The signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776? Lee’s surrender to Grant at the Appomatox Courthouse which ended the civil war? In A.D. 49, Paul and Barnabas traveled 300 miles to Jerusalem for a meeting that would decide the fate of Christianity: Would it…
It’s always good to get an orientation when you start something new. As we follow Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary journey, we learn four things for when we go out on mission today: Count on Division, Count on the Message of God’s Goodness, Count on Other Believers, and Count on God to open…
In the movie, The Neverending Story, Bastion was startled to realize that he was not only reading the book, he was a part of it. The same is true for us when it comes to God’s Neverending Story: The story of saving lost sinners and bringing them into relationship with Himself. God’s story is not…
As Paul set out on his first missionary journey, we can learn about our mission today. Check out this message to see how he and Barnabas were sent by a local church, how they came face to face with the enemy of the mission, and how God’s power won the battle. Don’t go it alone.…
Mission comes with friction: attack from the enemy, struggles with temptation, even disagreements in the church. In the face of this friction, encouragement is the oil that keeps the mission running. Check out how Barnabas encouraged the early church and what you and I can learn about being encouragers today. Are you an encourager? Who’s encouraging…
In the early church, the Jewish Christians needed a reminder that the Savior didn’t only come to save them, but the Gentiles as well. Does the church today need a reminder that Jesus is not only for us? He came to seek and save the lost. Are we hoarding Him? Or are we sharing? (recording cut…
Check out what happened when our Missionary God orchestrated visions, angels, the voice of the Holy Spirit, Peter, and the good news about Jesus to bring Cornelius into a relationship with Him: A momentous event which opened the door for the good news to go to all Gentiles. Then, be blown away by the fact…