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God In Me: The Holy Spirit

Biblical Holy Spirit sermon series Pastor Scott Mitchell The Church Next Door AZ podcast Prescott

The Holy Spirit: Truth

Paul Pierce of the Boston Celtics was given a nickname: “The Truth.” One of the most famous movies lines of all time was: “You can’t handle the truth.” People often say, “My truth is my truth, your truth is your truth” and  “There is no absolute truth.” The truth is talked about a lot. It…

Biblical Holy Spirit sermon series Pastor Scott Mitchell The Church Next Door AZ podcast Prescott

The Holy Spirit: Unity

Every groom is concerned when his bride is sick. One thing that concerns Jesus is when His bride, the church, is racked with disunity. That’s why the Holy Spirit works to bring Inward Unity (between churches and individual believers). When Jesus prayed for this unity in John 17, He knew it was intricately connected to…

Biblical Holy Spirit sermon series Pastor Scott Mitchell The Church Next Door AZ podcast Prescott

The Holy Spirit: Power

The Bible has many pictures of the Holy Spirit’s power.  One of them is a stream of living water. Simply put, your life is like a hose. The Holy Spirit is like the powerful, refreshing water that wants to flow through you and bless those around you. You can’t create His power, but you can…

Biblical Holy Spirit sermon series Pastor Scott Mitchell The Church Next Door AZ podcast Prescott

The Holy Spirit: Misunderstood

Spiritual interest is up. Church attendance is down. Could it be that some looking for spirituality are looking elsewhere because the church has been trying life in our own power? Too often, the Holy Spirit is ignored or misunderstood. Check out this message for an introduction to some of the common ways He’s misunderstood and…