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In this final of 3 Proverbs messages about the tongue, we’ll explore some of the choices we face every day regarding the words we speak. What’s at stake for the believer as we decide? Closer fellowship with God and better relationships with people. Listen in for Biblical encouragement to use your tongue for life and…
In AZ we put campfires dead out because one spark can bring down a forest. Bad news: The tongue is equally dangerous and no man can tame it. Listen in to hear some “Don’ts”: ways we should not use our tongues. You may wonder… If we can’t tame it, where’s the hope? Be sure to…
The small tongue packs a lot of power! Power for good…or for evil. Wouldn’t it be great if there was some direction on how to use it? There’s plenty in Proverbs! Join us today as we talk about 5 ways we should speak for the good of those who listen.
If you’ve ever ordered at Subway you know that life is full of decisions! Seriously though, what about the bigger choices? How many of us would appreciate some guidance when we’re at the crossroads? Listen in for some help from Proverbs.
Proverbs talks a lot about humility and its opposite: pride. But what are they? And what does it look like to be humble? Today’s message seeks to answer those questions and encourage you on the road to humility.
Whether you’re wise or a fool everybody dies. So what’s the point of living wisely? Living wisely helps you live a meaningful life and leave a Godly legacy. But what does that look like? Listen in!
We live inside out – from the heart. Listen in to discover what the heart is from a Biblical perspective. You’ll be reminded that God looks at the heart, how to guard your heart, and how to be careful with the hearts of others.
No matter how much you desire true wisdom if you don’t fear God and trust Him you won’t get it. Do you have a healthy fear of God? Do you really trust Him? Listen in to find out what these two realities look like in our lives.
The invitations of wisdom and folly are everywhere! And sometimes their invitations sound very similar. Listen in to learn how to spot the differences and accept the right invitation.
Jesus made it clear that relationships are central to life. Proverbs tells us to live wisely. If we put the two together, we reach a logical conclusion: Biblical wisdom is relational! Join us in Proverbs 8 as we unpack this truth in a special way. It may just help you better appreciate God’s relationship with…
If Wisdom is calling to us all, why is wisdom so rare? We try to find it in the world or seek God’s wisdom for the sake of its benefits. However, wisdom is a gift from God, seek Him because we love Him and He will give us all we need.
Did you know there is an enemy hunting the believer? Make a plan or the evil one will be happy to make one for you. Gain wisdom to stay on the narrow path of Jesus, avoid the snares of the evil one, and fully enjoy the free life Christ purchased for you at Calvary.
Do any of us really need more trouble in our lives? In this second section on adultery Solomon encourages us to steer clear of sexual immorality because it’s more trouble than it’s worth.
Solomon spent most of 3 chapters warning against the dangers of adultery. In this, the first, he challenges us to be faithful to the Lord and our spouses. Discover how to enjoy, protect, and invest in your own spouse instead of someone else.
Solomon breaks down the anatomy of wisdom from top to bottom. He encourages us to use our ears, mouth, eyes, and feet wisely. Above all else he urges us to guard our hearts.
There is a great problem. Just because someone in one generation trusts in Christ and His wisdom is no guarantee those who follow them in the next generation will. Thankfully God has a grand plan: that one generation passes it on to the next. In this way God’s praise will be perpetuated! Praise God for…
Good parents aim to protect their children from unnecessary falls. But when a parent says, “Do not”, the child often says, “Why Not?” Today Solomon provides his son with some of each. If we listen in we’ll discover how God’s wisdom brings stability for our path and even guides us as we navigate relationships with…
Monster truckers drive boldly because they trust their steel roll cage. Wisdom is not just knowledge. It is a matter of who we trust. When it comes to life, do you have a roll cage worth trusting?
When you stand at a fork in the road there is often a wise path and an unwise path. How do you know which way to go? What is our part to play when it comes to wisdom? What is God’s? If these questions hit close to home then Proverbs 2 is for you.
Please RSVP. Common words with an invitation. Today Solomon tells his son and us about 3 invitations: one from a father, one from temptation, and one from wisdom itself. The important question for those who wish to walk in wisdom is… how will we respond to each one?
If someone asked you, “What is wisdom?” what would you say? Biblical wisdom is closely connected to 4 realities. Listen to find out what they are and how to begin (or continue) your own quest for wisdom.
Message by Dave Gorgas