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Tame Your Tongue – Choices

In this final of 3 Proverbs messages about the tongue, we’ll explore some of the choices we face every day regarding the words we speak. What’s at stake for the believer as we decide? Closer fellowship with God and better relationships with people. Listen in for Biblical encouragement to use your tongue for life and…

Wisdom Is Relational (Proverbs 8:22-36)

Jesus made it clear that relationships are central to life. Proverbs tells us to live wisely. If we put the two together, we reach a logical conclusion: Biblical wisdom is relational! Join us in Proverbs 8 as we unpack this truth in a special way. It may just help you better appreciate God’s relationship with…

Wisdom – Pass It On! (Proverbs 4:1-19)

There is a great problem. Just because someone in one generation trusts in Christ and His wisdom is no guarantee those who follow them in the next generation will. Thankfully God has a grand plan: that one generation passes it on to the next. In this way God’s praise will be perpetuated! Praise God for…

Don’t Be Trippin’ (Proverbs 3:21-35)

Good parents aim to protect their children from unnecessary falls. But when a parent says, “Do not”, the child often says, “Why Not?” Today Solomon provides his son with some of each. If we listen in we’ll discover how God’s wisdom brings stability for our path and even guides us as we navigate relationships with…