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A message for the New Year
Christmas message
Listen to some testimonies of hope
“The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God…” So Mark begins. In a time of angst and longing, miles from the capital city, a way of hope is prepared in hearts for the powerful Son of Man who “came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life…
Beware false teachers. Message by Paul Trout.
Peter had a calling from Jesus Himself to strengthen believers. In this passage he does that very thing by calling us to appreciate our resources in Christ and our responsibility to make the most of them by faith.
Wrap up and review of 1 Peter.
In times of trouble the Chief Shepherd’s flock must follow Him together in God’s designed order. Together we are to practice humility and cast our anxiety on the Lord who cares for us.
How? Peter calls on believers in the middle of trials to ”entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good.”
When we realize we live on the brink of eternity it brings urgency to our lives which shapes our attitudes and actions.
If we’re going to rise from the quicksand this world is sinking in, we must cling to hope in our risen Lord Jesus Christ.
Standing Firm isn’t just for when we step out the door. Ideally it begins in our relationships at home. Here Peter passes on marriage wisdom straight from the heart of God.
It may sound strange but standing firm sometimes means submitting, serving, and suffering.
What do PB & J Sandwiches have to do with life? How can you rise above the election year yuck? What is real life? Listen in to find out.
Holiness goes far deeper than merely avoiding sins. It is becoming more and more like our Heavenly Father.
The Christ follower in this world lives in a constant paradox. We are elect but we are also exiles. We suffer grievous trials but glorious treasure is promised. We love a Savior we have not yet seen. We are both beat up and blessed beyond our wildest imaginations. To persevere we must have the proper…