Live a full life in Jesus and bring others along for the ride

Podcast (Page 5)

Prayer Under Pressure (Acts 3:1-4:31) DownloadUntil Acts 3, the early church enjoyed relative peace. Then Peter and John went and healed a crippled man. They were jailed and told to stop speaking in the name of Jesus. When they were released, they told the other Jesus followers what had happened. What do you think they did? Did they hold a protest in the town square? Seek…

Politically Correct? Yeah Right (Acts 2:22-41) DownloadDo you wish more people would just say it like it is? Then you would love Peter’s preaching. When it comes to sharing the good news about Jesus, we can learn a few things from his first message. 10/27/12

Real Hope and Change (Acts 2:42-47) DownloadGod’s primary agent for hope and change in the world is not Democrat or Republican. It’s not socialism or capitalism. It’s not even solely American. It is the Church and the Gospel it carries. Check out this message to see what it means to be People of the Word and People of Fellowship – the world changers God intended His Church…

Now That’s How To Introduce a Sermon (Acts 2:1-21) DownloadPreachers think long and hard about how to introduce their sermons. Do I tell a joke? A story? Show a video? But at the end of the day, no one introduces a message like God Himself.  When the Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost there was the sound of a violent wind, 120 believers had tongues of fire over their…

Where do you go with your Failure? Download What’s the difference between Judas (who hung himself) and Peter (who became a key leader in the Jesus movement)? Judas failed Jesus and Peter was perfect, right? Wrong. They both failed Jesus in epic ways. The difference was where they went with their failure. How they handled it. What they did with it.  And the same is true today. We…

Breathe In Breathe Out DownloadTrue love for others comes from breathing in God’s love for us. Check out this short message from I John to see what the simple act of breathing can teach us about receiving God’s love and passing it on to others. 09/15/12

Just the Beginning Download Acts 1: 1 says that in the gospel of Luke, he recorded all that Jesus began to do and teach. That means his sequel (the book of Acts) records what Jesus continues to do and teach through his body, the church: the same church believers today are a part of! Check out this intro to our series on the book…

Jonah Fumes (Jonah 4) DownloadWhen you and God have a disagreement, who needs to change their mind? Easy answer. Not so easy to live out. Thankfully, God is patient with his children and has many ways to teach us. We don’t know if Jonah ever really agreed with God about reaching the  people in Nineveh. When it comes to reaching those who need Jesus, are…

Jonah Obeys (Jonah 3) DownloadPeople spend a lot of time waiting. Sometimes, it’s just the way it has to be. Other times, there’s no reason to wait at all: Like when it comes to sharing the good news about Jesus. Don’t Wait until you have it all together. Don’t Wait until you’ve mastered a complicated message. And Don’t Wait to obey God’s message to you.…

Jonah Prays (Jonah 2) DownloadEver heard a message that started with a game of limbo? Nuff said. If you need more, think about this: “How low can you go?” is a great goal for that game, not such a great goal for life. Here’s the good news: Jonah cried out to God from the bottom of the ocean and God saved him. No matter how…

Jesus Suffered and Died to Set us Free From Shame DownloadParalyzed by your own shame? Afraid to be real because others will reject you? Jesus came to set us free from these fears. The only answer is to let our shame drive us out of hiding and straight to the foot of His cross. 07/15/12

Jonah Runs (Jonah 1) DownloadSo you’re on Family Feud. The first question is “Name something in the book of Jonah.” Number one answer is…Fish? Jonah? Nineveh?  The truth is all these things are like little pictures in a giant collage. When you zoom out and your eyes adjust, you see that they all blend together and form a big picture: the face of a Missionary…

Is God’s Presence Enough? DownloadIf you’re completely honest, is God’s presence enough for you to be content, at peace, satisfied? Or do you require something more? If you require more, should that concern you? It’s not a new issue. David wrestled with it centuries ago in Psalm 131. Check out this message for more. 07/01/12

Jesus Suffered and Died to Give us a New Identity part 2: What’s Next? (Aaron Rosberg) DownloadOk, so we’re new creations. Now that we’ve celebrated that awesome truth, what’s next? What should new creations spend their lives doing? Paul says we are ambassadors of God himself: Ambassadors carrying a message of reconciliation. Check out this message to see how this should impact the way we spend our time and use our talents. 06/24/12

The Holy Spirit: Truth DownloadPaul Pierce of the Boston Celtics was given a nickname: “The Truth.” One of the most famous movies lines of all time was: “You can’t handle the truth.” People often say “My truth is my truth, your truth is your truth.” and  “There is no absolute truth.” The truth is talked about a lot. It was Jesus who said he would…

The Holy Spirit: Unity DownloadEvery groom is concerned when his bride is sick. One thing that concerns Jesus is when His bride, the church is racked with disunity.  That’s why the Holy Spirit works to bring Inward Unity (between churches and individual believers). When Jesus prayed for this unity in John 17, he knew it was intricately connected to Outward Unity  (between God and lost…

The Holy Spirit: Power DownloadThe Bible has many pictures of the Holy Spirit’s power.  One of them is a stream of living water. Simply put, your life is like a hose. The Holy Spirit is like the powerful, refreshing water that wants to flow through you and bless those around you. You can’t create His power, but you can put kinks in your hose that…

The Holy Spirit: Misunderstood DownloadSpiritual interest is up. Church attendance is down. Could it be that some looking for spirituality are looking elsewhere because the church has been trying life in our own power? Too often, the Holy Spirit is ignored or misunderstood. Check out this message for an introduction to some of the common ways He’s misunderstood and what the Bible really teaches about…

Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer DownloadEver wish you could listen in while Jesus prayed to His Father? Some of his disciples did. And they were so blown away by what they heard, they asked him, “Lord teach us to pray.” What we now call “The Lord’s Prayer” was what he told them. Listen to hear how this prayer can become more than rote words to recite.…

Jesus Suffered and Died to Bring us to God DownloadOften when we think of trusting Jesus, we think of the things we are saved from (Hell, guilt, and bondage to sin). That’s good news for sure.  But we are also saved to something that should take our breath away: a relationship with the Creator of the Universe!  Are you enjoying that relationship today? I hope so. Because nothing else can…

Prayer and Fasting DownloadIs fasting only for monks in monasteries and spiritual weirdos or a part of the normal Christian life? When or why would I consider fasting and what did Jesus have to say about it? Check out this 25 minute message for some fast info on this spiritual discipline. 01/01/12

Jesus Suffered and Died to Give us Every Good Thing DownloadKnow anyone who thinks of God as a mean old miser who’s holding out on them? This message will show you just how wrong that is. He gave his only Son! Why would he hold back anything else? If you’re feeling empty, listen to this message to hear just how full our generous God wants our lives to be. 12/18/11

Prayer and Giving DownloadWhat connection is there between giving and my prayer life? Can I live like a miser and expect to fully enjoy God’s generosity in my own life? This message will give you the inside scoop on the connection between generosity and prayer. 12/04/11

Don’t Mess with Grace! DownloadWanna see the Apostle Paul get ticked off? Start adding to salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. And then stand back. Paul (and God for that matter) can’t stand when we act as though the grace we receive through faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection was not enough to save us. Should our lives be filled with good works…

Prayer and Thanksgiving DownloadThey should go together like turkey and stuffing. But too often we slip into the trap of complaining. And our prayer lives pay the price. How can we overcome this trap and grow in thankfulness? Check out this message for some ideas. Part 8 in a series of meditations based on Sense and Nonsense about Prayer by Lehman Strauss. 11/7/11

Jesus Suffered and Died: A Taste of I Corinthians 14 Today DownloadIn I Corinthians 14:26, we read about an early church gathering where “each one” shared what God laid on their hearts to build each other up. We decided to do an experiment and try it today. And guess what? Jesus is still Head of His Church and still loves to speak through His people! 10/16/11

Prayer and Abiding in Jesus DownloadIn John 15:7 Jesus said, “If you abide in me and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.” Awesome promise! But what in the world does it mean to abide? Maybe a story from marriage and a crock pot will help. Check out this message to see. 10/02/11

Prayer and the Will of God DownloadPart 6 in a series of short meditations on prayer inspired by Sense and Nonsense About Prayer by Lehman Strauss. 09/04/11

Prayer and Faith DownloadPart 5 in a series of short meditations on prayer inspired by Sense and Nonsense About Prayer by Lehman Strauss. 7/3/11

Prayer in Jesus’ Name DownloadPart 4 in a series of short meditations on prayer inspired by Sense and Nonsense About Prayer by Lehman Strauss. 6/5/11

Prayer and the Holy Spirit Download Part 3 in a series of short meditations on prayer inspired by Sense and Nonsense About Prayer by Lehman Strauss. 5/1/11

A Walk to Remember DownloadJoin two disciples on a walk they would never forget.  Luke 24:13-32

Prayer and Selfishness DownloadPart 2 in a series of short meditations on prayer inspired by Sense and Nonsense About Prayer by Lehman Strauss. 4/3/11

Prayer and Unconfessed Sin Download Part 1 in a series of short meditations on prayer inspired by Sense and Nonsense About Prayer by Lehman Strauss. 3/6/11

The Suffering Servant and You DownloadScott Mitchell preaches from Isaiah 53 at the second preview service for The Church Next Door. 1/9/11

How to Train Your Dragon DownloadScott Mitchell shares the vision for The Church Next Door at the first preview service. 12/12/10