Live a full life in Jesus and bring others along for the ride

Posts by admin (Page 6)

Prayer and Faith DownloadPart 5 in a series of short meditations on prayer inspired by Sense and Nonsense About Prayer by Lehman Strauss. 7/3/11

Prayer in Jesus’ Name DownloadPart 4 in a series of short meditations on prayer inspired by Sense and Nonsense About Prayer by Lehman Strauss. 6/5/11

Aeriel Baptism

Aeriel’s Story DownloadThe story of how Aeriel Kozimor met Jesus (Check out 2 minute Podcast at bottom) Aeriel baptized as daughter (Anya) watches on Aeriel’s Mom (Laura) at Stepping Stones workday and sister (Autumn) on Worship Team

Jim & Lori’s Story

I was raised in the church. I went every Sunday morning and evening…and Wednesday night as well. This gave me a great foundation of Christian belief. But over the past few years I have had the chance to be part of and lead a few small groups.  Through this experience, I have experienced a deeper walk in my relationship with God and with…

Bridget’s Story

“It brought tears to my eyes remembering that day.” – Bridget If you’re like me, some days you’re really excited about our opportunity to share Jesus’ love in tangible ways. Other days, the enemy or just plain old life has a way of making you second guess yourself or the mission you’re on. Hopefully, this will rekindle your fire again. This past Spring…

Prayer and the Holy Spirit Download Part 3 in a series of short meditations on prayer inspired by Sense and Nonsense About Prayer by Lehman Strauss. 5/1/11

A Walk to Remember DownloadJoin two disciples on a walk they would never forget.  Luke 24:13-32

Prayer and Selfishness DownloadPart 2 in a series of short meditations on prayer inspired by Sense and Nonsense About Prayer by Lehman Strauss. 4/3/11

Prayer and Unconfessed Sin Download Part 1 in a series of short meditations on prayer inspired by Sense and Nonsense About Prayer by Lehman Strauss. 3/6/11

Stories from Feb. 2011 DownloadMC Leaders & trainees share some of the ways they are seeing God at work.

The Suffering Servant and You DownloadScott Mitchell preaches from Isaiah 53 at the second preview service for The Church Next Door. 1/9/11

How to Train Your Dragon DownloadScott Mitchell shares the vision for The Church Next Door at the first preview service. 12/12/10