Live a full life in Jesus and bring others along for the ride

Bill Brandel

Where are you from? Prescott

How did you meet your spouse? We met playing Co-Ed softball 22 years ago in Prescott.  

If you could only listen to one musical genre what would it be? 70’s & 80’s Country

If you were stranded on an island and could only have one food with you, what would it be? Meatloaf

What sports/teams do you follow/root for most? I don’t really follow professional sports.

What are your top 3 hobbies? Daughter’s horse shows, camping, fishing

Outside of the Bible what is your favorite book? Lonesome Dove 

If you could only have one book of the Bible what would it be? Why? Romans. I like how Paul lays it all out for us. 

What’s one bit of wisdom someone has passed onto you that you think everyone should hear? The 5 “P’s”…. Prior planning prevents poor performance. 

How old were you when you felt called to serve in the way you do? Pre-Teen

How did you first become aware of that call? I’ve always felt like if I could help, I should. 

What excites you in your ministry? Being an able body to help when needed.