Live a full life in Jesus and bring others along for the ride

Worship Team

Led by Pastor Aaron Rosberg the Worship Team leads us in songs both recent and centuries old to help our hearts focus and bow before God in adoration and surrender.

Some on the team sing, some play instruments, and some do Audio/Visual.

If you’d like to join or would like more information about the Worship Team contact Pastor Aaron at 928-273-6622.

A Disclaimer on Worship Music at The Church Next Door: We aim to sing only what is true, reverent, and glorifying to God. To that end, we check each song we sing for its Biblical and theological content. Worship songs come from many different sources. Singing a particular song is not an endorsement of its source. Nor is it an encouragement to listen to teachings from that source. Every author, movement, conference, denomination, church, preacher, sermon, blog, etc… must be checked against the truth of God’s Word. For a concise summary of our church’s core beliefs visit the Our Beliefs page on this website.