Live a full life in Jesus and bring others along for the ride

Missional Communities

An MC is a group of people building meaningful relationships on a mission to share Jesus.

MC’s are made up of men, women, and children. They are great places to grow in the full life Jesus offers which includes: communion with God, community with people, and commission to the world.

The heartbeat of an MC: Gather & Go

Gather – MC’s are built around a regular gathering in someone’s home. You can expect some combination of fellowship, Bible study, prayer, and most likely some food.

Go – MC’s are also encouraged as groups and individuals to share Jesus with those outside the group.

Current Missional Communities (Text or Call Contact for More Information)

Hope MC (Studying Hebrews)

Mondays 6:30-8:00 pm in Prescott Valley

Contact: Bill & Kendra 928.308.3742

MC (Studying: Attributes of God)

Thursdays 6:30-8:00 pm in Prescott Valley

Contact: Frank 928.830.9394

Deep Well MC (Studying: Life of David)

Thursdays Bi-Weekly 6:00-8:00 pm in the Deep Well neighborhood in Prescott

Contact: Karl 562.405.1354

*Upcoming gatherings: 3/6, 3/20