Download Download DownloadThe Christ follower in this world lives in a constant paradox. We are elect but we are also exiles. We suffer grievous trials but glorious treasure is promised. We love a Savior we have not yet seen. We are both beat up and blessed beyond our wildest imaginations. To persevere we must have the proper perspective. Download DownloadWhen you enter into battle don’t forget the prayer! Download Download Download Download Download Download Download DownloadIt’s not always the right time to talk. There are moments when words are uncalled for. Sometimes a hug, shared tears, and a listening ear are all that’s appropriate. And at the end of the day, there’s nothing like the presence of Christ to help us when we hurt. But when the questions are raised and it is time to talk,… Download Download Download Download DownloadIn desperate times we feel weak and helpless. Sometimes it is then we fall down and cry out to the God “who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us.” Then, as He helps believers grab onto the mind-bending reality of Christ’s love and the dynamic power of… Download Passively waiting for God to automatically make you more like Jesus is like taking a nap on a weight bench and expecting to wake up ripped. Spiritual growth is impossible without the Holy Spirit. But it’s also impossible without our active cooperation. Check out this message for 3 essential components to boost your Spiritual Training Regimen. 4/26/17 Download Not all false teaching leads to orgies and seances. Satan is way too crafty for that. Some of it actually sounds kind of holy: “Really spiritual people don’t do this. If you’re really committed, you won’t do that.” But in the end it can cause us to doubt the goodness of God and his gifts. Check out this message to… Download Collecting offering and ushering. Is that all there is to being a deacon or is there something more? And what lies at the core of the church that leads God to care so much about its leadership? 2/12/17 Download CEO. General. Whipping boy. What’s your picture of church leadership? How does it compare to God’s description of elders? 2/5/17 Download Men and women are both created in God’s image, are equally valuable in His eyes, and have a significant impact to make. Does this mean our roles in the church are the same? Can you believe in different roles without being an arrogant and annoying antique? 1/29/17 Download Imagine if you asked God, “What do you care about in the church?” and His answer began, “First of all… ” Would you be curious about what came next? If so, check out this message. 1/22/17 Download There’s a lot of talk these days about fake news. Paul’s concern in the city of Ephesus was fake teaching. If you’ve ever wondered how to tell the difference between solid teaching and false teaching, this passage is for you. 1/15/17 Download God had plans for Timothy and he used Paul to coach him along the way. Check out this message for an overview of the game plan Paul passed on. God has plans for you too! Are you ready to get in the game? Do you have a good coach? 1/8/17 DownloadIt seems that for every person who keeps their word there’s one who abandons their family to chase their idols. For every faithful friend there’s one who hits the road when things hit the fan. As a result, trust comes hard for many of us – maybe even trusting God. But one message of Christmas is this: Our loving Father always… DownloadI love real life stories about God’s grace, don’t you? Take 5 minutes and listen to this man’s story from our Easter service. You’ll hear how God pursued a relationship with a soldier who took all of life’s glory for himself and mocked the Bible repeatedly. You’ll hear about a Savior named Jesus who really did come to seek and save the lost.… DownloadAfter Peter denied Jesus the third time, Jesus looked lovingly at him. And Peter wept bitterly because of his failure and sin. We’ve all been there: broken and full of regret. Loved by a Savior who died to forgive our sin but wishing we had not given in yet another time. Could it have been different for Peter? Can it be… DownloadWe do it when we drive. But do we do it with our beliefs? In this message, Jesus shows us that blind spots about the afterlife and who He is can cause us to miss out. But it doesn’t have to be this way! Will you receive His truth and take the peace, forgiveness, and help He offers you today? 1/31/16 DownloadIt’s another election year. Religion and politics don’t make for smooth table talk but Jesus doesn’t care. He steps right into the hornet’s nest when he says, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” As we unpack what he said, we’ll explore our own worldview on God and Government. If someone had only your actions and words to… DownloadWhen Jesus talks about the high cost of following Him some natural questions arise: Why should I? Why would I? We will only understand Jesus’ call to discipleship when we marvel at his breathtaking grace and sacrifice for us. Once we rest in that, it makes sense to say with His faithful followers throughout history: “I love Jesus more than I love… DownloadOur Father won’t quit until he has a full table at his Kingdom feast! In this message, we’ll marvel at his relentless, pursuing love for sinners like you and me. And we’ll see how living in humility, loving those who cannot repay us, and inviting them to the feast reflects His loving heart. Below is the video referred to in the sermon… DownloadIf you’re going to enjoy a party, you’ve got to know where it’s at and how to get there. In this passage Jesus gives us clear directions to the Kingdom of God. But will we follow them? 08/09/15 DownloadMustard seeds and yeast: Small, every day, easily overlooked. God’s kingdom sometimes feels that way in a broken world. But mustard seeds and yeast are full of promise and potential that will be realized. And so is God’s Kingdom. So don’t give up weary traveler. Hold on! The Kingdom is growing. It’s spreading. You can be a part of it. And one day it will… DownloadEver wish someone would slow down long enough to see what you’re going through? Jesus is that someone. And in His perceptive eyes your need is not an interruption, but a divine appointment. 07/26/15 DownloadLots of questions arise in the aftermath of suffering. Many of them can be answered by journalists: what, when, where, who, how? But one lingers on: Why? Jesus’ addresses people with that very question in this passage. Honestly, His answer may not be as satisfying as we like. But it rings true. 07/19/15 DownloadJesus hits this head on in our passage today. Let’s just say He’s not the tame little pussy cat some of us think He is. 07/12/15 DownloadJesus is coming back! Ever wonder if or how this should affect your life today? Good news! Jesus told us in this very passage. 07/5/15 DownloadMany times the gaze of our hearts is locked on targets that are much lower than what God would have us zoom in on. And all too often the result is debilitating, choking, fruitless worry. What if lifting our eyes up was the very thing that could help us move through this world in confidence and faith? Want to know how?… DownloadNot all fears are equal. Many will paralyze you. One will set you free. 06/21/15 DownloadOne of our greatest threats is undercover. Religion often looks great on the surface. Indeed,there is a good version of it (James 1:27). But there is also a version of it that can enslave and mislead. In this passage, Jesus speaks unbridled, stinging words to those who traffic in this deadly counterfeit to faith in Jesus. Message by Pastor Paul Trout 06/14/15 DownloadIn the thick of the battle, Jesus teaches his disciples a crucial lesson: “Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” We must stay vitally connected to the commander if we are to conquer. Check out this message for more. Message preached by Jim Haubrick 06/07/15 DownloadOur ultimate foes are invisible. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t real. Jesus faced them and overcame them. And in His power,so can we. Let’s see what His encounters then can teach us for today. 05/31/15 DownloadThe upcoming chapters are filled with conflict for Jesus and the disciples. It’s always essential to connect with the commander before we hit the battle field. Let’s listen in as Jesus instructs his disciples in the model, the mindset, and the motivation of prayer. 05/24/15 DownloadBeing or doing? Listening or going? Which is it? Maybe it’s not an either or after all. Jesus’ interaction with two first century sisters teaches us how to find the Biblical balance. 05/17/15 Download“Oh no He didn’t!” “Oh yes He did!” Jesus had a way of telling stories that opened some people’s eyes and made other people angry all at the same time. The Good Samaritan was a classic example. We’ll try our best to hear it through his listeners’ ears and see what He’s saying to us about the holy art of being… DownloadMultiplication. Many of us hated it in school. But Jesus loves it when it comes to making disciples! Let’s join these 72 on the mission and see what more we can learn from the Master. 05/03/15 DownloadJesus’ call doesn’t always come when we want it to. And it doesn’t always lead where we want to go. Sometimes it means letting go of something we love. But the company can’t be beat. 04/26/15 DownloadGrace and Pride. Mortal enemies. Which one will win out in my life? 04/19/15 DownloadDon’t you hate it when you go to a buffet, then you get home and someone tells you about how amazing something they tried was – and you didn’t even know it was there?! No huge deal when it comes to dinner. But what if there are things we’re missing out on in our walk with Jesus? I don’t know about you –… DownloadDid I pass? Will you marry me? Did the test come back positive? There are many important questions in life. At the top of the list is one Jesus asks us all: “Who do you say I am?” Eternity hinges on your answer. 04/05/15 DownloadTired of quick fixes that leave you empty? Jesus said He is the only Bread that satisfies. Have you tried Him? 03/29/15 DownloadGood training always leads to a launch. As the disciples walk in Jesus’ footsteps, we are reminded how amazing it is that Jesus invites us to partner with Him! 03/22/15 DownloadBefore we go out and spread the good news, our trust tank needs to be filled. That’s why Jesus shows us that complete healing and even resurrection from the dead are at his fingertips. Preached by Worship Pastor Aaron Rosberg 03/15/15 DownloadBefore we go out and spread the good news, our trust tank needs to be filled. That’s why Jesus goes out of his way to assure us that He’s powerful enough to set anyone free. 03/08/15 DownloadWhat does Jesus expect of us as we share the good news? Check this out before you go. 03/01/15 DownloadWhat results should we expect when we spread the good news? Jesus gives his disciples (and us) a realistic look at exactly what we’re getting into. 02/22/15 Download“Come as you are” is a great invitation, not a final destination. Jesus has transformation on his mind. 02/15/15 DownloadBelief: It’s not always easy. But there’s a difference between genuine doubt and prideful unbelief. This message provides some tips for telling the difference between the two… and some hope for the struggle. 02/08/15 DownloadEver try to decide who Jesus should have compassion on and who He shouldn’t? Good luck with that! Our Savior reaches out to all kinds of people. Even people like you and me. 02/1/15 DownloadJesus cares not only what we do but why we do. He’s not content with our actions. He’s after our hearts. 01/18/15 Download “Beast mode.” Sportscasters use this phrase to describe a player who’s playing on a much higher level than he or she usually does. In this passage Jesus sets the bar for his followers impossibly high. Then he tells us to reach it: Love your enemies! Do good to those who hate you! Sounds like love in beast mode to me.… Download Remember in Finding Nemo when the clownfish Marlin is listening to Squirt the little Sea Turtle? Marlin says: “”It’s like he’s trying to speak to me, I know it! You know you’re really cute, but I don’t know what you’re saying!” Sometimes when we read Jesus’ words in the Beatitudes, (“Blessed are the poor in spirit, Blessed are those who… Download Jesus was was about to choose 12 men to be his apostles. But before he made that huge decision, he pulled an all-nighter praying to His Father. In this very short message, we’ll be reminded that prayer before ministry is still essential for the body of Christ today. (This was initially shared right before a time of prayer for our… Download That’s not a typo. As Jesus tangles with Pharisees in a field and a synagogue about the Sabbath rest, He will show them (and us) that He is Lord of the Sabbath: True rest is only found in Him. So,how about adopting this for a New Year? “In 2015 I will rest in Jesus Christ.” 12/28/14 Download Did you know that our favorite passages about the birth of Jesus give us glimpses into what drove His ministry years later? In this message, He meets Matthew the tax collector and his “sinner” friends. As he does, we’ll see the promises of the birth passages become reality. And we’ll discover that He continues to offer new life to all… Download What kind of expectations do you have of Jesus? As we look at his moving meeting with a paralytic, we’ll examine ourselves: Do we come to Him bold and hopeful that He can make a difference in our lives? Or have we become crusty and cynical? Do we expect great things? Or have we settled for far less? 12/14/14 Download There is power in a touch. Especially the touch of Jesus Christ. As we unpack His powerful encounter with an unclean leper, we’ll ask a couple of questions: What do you need to bring to Jesus for His healing touch? And Who are the “untouchables” God is calling you to reach? 12/7/14 Download What’s the most important thing in your life? What does your heart beat for? In this message, we’ll see a defining encounter between Jesus and Peter that helped Peter answer these questions. And along the way, we’ll ask ourselves the question: If someone could listen to my spiritual heartbeat would they hear the heart of Jesus? 11/30/14 Download Sometimes the sheer amount of suffering in the world can leave us overwhelmed. At that point, we are faced with a choice: become numb and jaded or become more like Jesus. As He comes to Capernaum, we’ll see how He responds to our suffering and how we can walk in His footsteps today. 11/23/14 Download Sometimes homecomings are awesome. Sometimes they are filled with rejection. In this message, we’ll see what happened when Jesus came home and preached. And in Jesus’ own message to his family and neighbors, we’ll see that God’s work is not only something we celebrate in the past or look forward to in the future. Jesus is setting captives free TODAY!… Download Hey Believer. Where do you find your identity? God tells us it is in found in Christ. But the world has told us to look a million other places. A quick look at Jesus’ baptism, genealogy, and temptation will show us who He is, who we are in Him, and how to fight when our identity comes under fire. 11/09/14 Download Ever have a come to Jesus moment? A moment where you’re confronted with some truth that wasn’t easy to hear, but you needed to hear? In this passage Israel has a come to Jesus moment when they meet fiery John the Baptist in the desert. As we look back on Israel’s come to Jesus moment, we’ll talk about what’s involved… Download Jesus is fully God and God does not change or grow. But Jesus also became fully man. And growth is the normal way of things for men. In this passage, Luke gives us a glimpse into the childhood of Jesus which leaves us in head-scratching wonder of God in flesh. Join us as we see young Jesus of Nazareth grow… DownloadThe headlines seem to get worse and worse. Our personal lives are filled with drama and struggle. Is there any real cure for panic and worry? In this message, we’ll meet Simeon and Anna who show us exactly where to find the answer. 10.19.14 DownloadEver feel like an unlikely candidate to experience God’s love or be used by Him in a powerful way? In this message, we’ll see how an unlikely entry for the King, His unlikely ancestry, and the unlikely messengers God chose to spread the word about His birth bring hope to all of us underdogs! 10.12.14 DownloadU2 front man Bono said, ““Music can change the world because it can change people.” In this passage, we’ll watch the joy inside Mary and Zechariah explode into songs that have been changing the world for two thousand years. We’ll also see that singing is normal for all of God’s children who are filled with His Spirit. Which begs the question:… DownloadIs it really possible for you to know what God has said and to know for certain that He will keep His Word? As Luke begins his account about Jesus, he tells us, “Yes.Yes it is!” 09.28.14 DownloadWhen it’s done right, theology (the study of God) is life changing. You could sum this up as “Because God…I Will”. As we take a panoramic view of where we’ve been in Daniel 1-6, we’ll see what Daniel and his friends believed about God – and how it changed their lives. Along the way, we’ll also discover how God’s faithfulness today… DownloadThe Bible teaches that we should live with a healthy fear of God. So what does a healthy fear of God look like? In this message, we’ll answer that question. We’ll also identify three ways that we sometimes get away from the fear of God Then we’ll close by wrestling with a crazy idea: Is it possible that having a healthy fear of God…