Where are you from? Near Cleveland, Ohio – Lived in Chicago while attending Moody Bible Institute before moving to AZ in 2002.
How did you meet your spouse? Played volleyball on the same team at a mutual friend’s party in 1995
If you could only listen to one musical genre what would it be? Hard Rock -above board lyrics only : ) Especially Christian artists (Seventh Day Slumber, Disciple, Red, Kutless, Thousand Foot Krutch, etc…)
If you were stranded on an island and could only have one food with you, what would it be? Spicy Garlic Buffalo Wings
What sports/teams do you follow/root for most? Cleveland Everything (Browns, Cavs, Guardians) & Ohio State Buckeyes.
What are your top 3 hobbies? Reading, hiking, games
Outside of the Bible what is your favorite book? Hard to choose one! Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan, Shadow of the Almighty: The Life and Testament of Jim Elliot by Elizabeth Elliot, or Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand (the true story of Louis Zamperini).
If you could only have one book of the Bible what would it be? Why? John. He passes on such a powerful and poetic depiction of who Jesus, the I Am is: The Bread of Life, The Door of the Sheep, The Living Water, The Good Shepherd, The Way, The Truth, and the Life, The Resurrection and The Life, The Light of the World, etc…
What’s one bit of wisdom someone has passed onto you that you think everyone should hear? We don’t have to have it all figured out to walk with Jesus. The foundational question we have to answer from Him is: “Will you trust me?”
Also, there’s often a difference between real sin and mischief. It’s ok to partake in some mischief so long as it’s not sinful. : )
How old were you when you felt called to serve in the way you do? 17
How did you first become aware of that call? At a Sonlife Evangelism Missions Project retreat in Toronto. A speaker told us we should offer our lives to the Lord as a blank contract with our name signed at the bottom, then ask Him to fill in the details. That’s when I first felt led to pastoral ministry. (I had been pursuing journalism until then).
What excites you in your ministry? Seeing people come to salvation, growing in Jesus with other believers, then joining in spreading the Good News to others.